self. They shall therefore ever keep the sin-
cerity and intemeratenesse of the fountain,
whence they are derived. And as whereso-
ever these leaves fall, the root is in my heart,
so shall they, as that sucks good affections
towards you there, have ever true impressi
ons thereof. Thus much information is
in very leaves, that they can tell what the
tree is, and these can tell you I am a friend,
and an honest man. Of what generall use,
the fruit should speake, and I have none:
and of what particular profit to you, your
application and experimenting should tell
you, and you can make none of such a no-
thing; yet even of barren Sycamores, such
as I, there were use, if either any light flash-
ings, or scorching vehemencies, or sudden
showres made you need so shadowy an
example or remembrancer. But (Sir) your
fortune and minde do you this happy in-
jury, that they make all kinde of fruits use-
lesse unto you; Therefore I have placed
my love wisely where I need communicate
nothing. All this, though perchance you
[CW: read]