yet, as some poisons, and some medicines,
hurt not, nor profit, except the creature in
which they reside, contribute their lively
activitie, and vigor; so, much of the know-
ledge buried in Books perisheth, and be-
comes ineffectuall, if it be not applied, and
refreshed by a companion, or friend. Much
of their goodnesse, hath the same period,
which some Physicians of Italy have ob-
served to be in the biting of their Tarentola,
that it affects no longer, then the flie lives.
For with how much desire we read the pa-
pers of any living now, (especially friends)
which we would scarce allow a boxe in
our cabinet, or shelf in our Library, if they
were dead? And we do justly in it, for the
writings and words of men present, we
may examine, controll, and expostulate,
and receive satisfaction from the authors;
but the other we must beleeve, or discredit;
they present no mean. Since then at this
time, I am upon the stage, you may be con-
tent to hear me. And now that perchance I
have brought you to it, (as Thom. Badger did
[CW: the]