looks awry and squint. And so, for the
most part, do mindes which have received
divers impressions. I will not, nor need to
you, compare the Religions. The channels
of Gods mercies run through both fields;
and they are sister teats of his graces, yet both
diseased and infected, but not both alike.
And I think, that as Copernicisme in the Ma-
thematiques hath carried earth farther up,
from the stupid Center; and yet not ho-
noured it, nor advantaged it, because for the
necessity of appearances, it hath carried
heaven so much higher from it: so the Roman
profession seems to exhale, and refine our
wills from earthly Drugs, and Lees, more
then the Reformed, and so seems to bring
us nearer heaven; but then that carries
heaven farther from us, by making us pass
so many Courts, and Offices of Saints in
this life, in all our petitions, and lying in a
painfull prison in the next, during the plea-
sure, not of him to whom we go, and who
must be our Judge, but of them from
whom we come, who know not our case.
[CW: Sir]