gainst a live man. For, where a man is ei-
ther too great, or his Vices too generall, to
be brought under a judiciary accusation,
there is no way, but this extraordinary ac-
cusing, which we call Libelling [.] And I have
heard that nothing hath soupled and al-
layed the D. of Lerma in his violent great-
nesse, so much as the often libels made up-
on him. But after death, it is, in all cases,
unexcusable. I know that Lucifer, and one
or two more of the Fathers who writ libel-
lous books against the Emperours of their
times, are excused by our writers, because
they writ not in the lives of those Empe-
rours. I am glad for them that they writ not
in their lives, for that must have occasioned
tumult, and contempt, against so high and
Soveraign persons. But that doth not
enough excuse them to me, for writing so
after their death; for that was ignoble, and
uselesse, though they did a little escape the
nature of libels, by being subscribed and a-
vowed: which excuse would not have
served in the Star-chamber, where sealed
[CW: Letters]