there is no peace, and yet no sword drawn in
the world; & it is a lost conjecture to think
which way any of the Armies will bend.
Here it is imagined, that Yukendorfe and Gabor
(for, for any concurrence of love, it is but a
dream) may so farre distress Bohemia, as
that Tilly must be recalled thither; and that
if he be, Brunswikes way is open into Baviere,
where he may recompense great losses,
whilest Mansfield and Gonzales, and his Ex-
cellency and Spinola, keep the ballance even in
their parts, by looking upon another. This
noble friend of yours is in his last minute,
in this Town; and I am going into the
Coach with my Lo to Hanworth. If I might
have forborn the sealing the rest till my re-
turn from thence, you might have heard
something more from
Your very true poor friend and humble
servant in Chr. Jes. J. Donne.
No straitnesse makes me forget my service to
your daughters: If my Bell were tolling, I should
pray for them, and though my Letter be sealing,
[CW: I]