all the experiments of pouders, and dryings,
and waterings to discover some lines which
appeared not; because it is impossible that
a Letter should come from me, with such
an ungratefull silence.
Your very true poor friend and
servant and lover
J. Donne.
This day begins a History, of which I doubt not but
I shall write more to you before I leave this town. Mon-
sieur de Rohan, a person for birth, next heire to the
Kingdome of Navar, after the Kings children, (if the
King of Spaine were weary of it) and for allyance,
sonne in law to D. Sally, and for breeding in the wars
and estate, the most remarkable man of the Religion,
being Governour of S. Jean d Angeli, one of the
most important towns which they of the Religion hold
for their security, finding that some distasts between the
Lieutenant and the Maior of the town, and him, were
dangerously fomented by great persons, stole from Court,
rode post to the town and removed these two persons.
He sent his secretary, and another dependent of his to
give the Queen satisfaction, who is so far from recei-
ving it, that his messengers are committed to the
[CW: Bastile]