upon Thursday, and therefore I will make an
end of this Letter, and perfect it then. I
doubt my Letters have not come duly to
your hand, and that I writing in my dun-
geon of Michim without dating, have made
the Chronologie and sequence of my Let-
ters perplexed to you; howsoever you shall
not be rid of this Ague of my Letters,
though perchance the fit change daies. I
have received in a narrow compasse three
of yours, one with the Catalogue of your
Books, another I found here left last Sater-
day by your man, and this which he
brought me this morning. Sir, I dare sit
no longer in my wastcoat, nor have any
thing worth the danger of a relapse to
write. I owe you so much of my health, as
I would not mingle you in any occasion of
repairing it, and therefore here ask leave to
kisse your hands, and bid you good mor-
row and farewell.
Your very true friend and servant
J Donne.
[CW: To]