Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 24, cont. (p.69)

with that incommodity of a little thinne
house; I should have mistaken it to be a
small thing, which now I see equalled
with the worst. If you have laid papers
and books by, I pray let this messenger have
them, I have determined upon them. If
you have not, be content to do it, in the
next three or four days. So, Sir, I kisse your
hands; and deliver to you an intire and
clear heart; which shall ever when I am
with you be in my face and tongue, and
when I am from you, in my Letters, for I
will never draw Curtain between you
and it.

From your house at Yours very affectionately
Micham friday morning. J. Donne.

When you are sometimes at M. Sackvills, I pray
aske if he have this book, Baldvinus de officio
pii hominis in controversiis; it was written at the
conference at Poissy, where Beza was, and he an-
swered it; I long for it.
[CW: To]

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