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Rather than press variants, this page lists differences between SP1 and its parent manuscript O20.
-i = inner, -o = outer.
CodePageSignatureLine NumLine Text
Missing Titles
Sat115001.SP1.016Thoughe some more spruce Companion thou doe* meete,
Sat115001.SP1.022Great Trayne of blewe-Coates twelve, or thirteene* strong,
Sat116001.SP1.033That will* consort none, vntill thou haue knowne,
Sat116001.SP1.036Iointures,* and marrie thy deare companie.
Sat117001.SP1.057Sooner maie one Guest,* who shall beare awaie
Sat117001.SP1.065But how shall I bee pardoned mine* offence,
Sat117001.SP1.067But* wee are in the Streete: Hee first of all
Sat118001.SP1.092A manie coloured Peacockes* hauing spide
Sat219002.SP1.018Bring not now theire old feares, but* theire old harmes.
Sat219002.SP1.020Pistoletts are the best Artilerie:*
Sat219002.SP1.025But hee is worst, that* beggerlie doth chawe
[CW: Others]
Sat220002.SP1.027Rawlie digested* doth theis thinges out-spue
Sat220002.SP1.047*His title of Barrister on euerie Wench,
Sat221002.SP1.059More, More then tenn Slavonians,* skolding more
Sat324003.SP1.046That shee was there a thousand* yeare agoe
Sat326003.SP1.086Hard deedes the bodie* paines; hard knowledg too
Sat326003.SP1.092Nor are they* Viccars but Hangmen to Fate.
Sat326003.SP1.110Power, from God damn'd,* then God himself to trust.
[CW: Well]
Sat428004.SP1.033Become Taffata,* and our Children shall
Sat428004.SP1.046Make Men speake Treason; Cosin subtiest* Whores;
Sat428004.SP1.048Iouius, or Sucius* or both together.
Sat429004.SP1.069To teach by Paintinge Drunkardes doe* not last
Sat429004.SP1.073Hee, like* a highe stretc'hd lute string squeakes, Oh Sr
Sat430004.SP1.095A semibreife* twixt each dropp, hee niggardlie
Sat431004.SP1.118Either my humor or his owne to fitt*
Sat431004.SP1.122Hee saies our Warres thriue* ill, because delaied.
Sat431004.SP1.145Give it as a* ransome: but as fidlers still
Sat432004.SP1.152All the Court fill'd with more thinges,* then Hee,
Sat432004.SP1.153Rann from thence with such, or more haste,* then One
Sat432004.SP1.158Like him* who dreampt hee saw Hell, did advaunce
Sat432004.SP1.171Which* is* in London, flowtes our Court heere; for
Sat433004.SP1.184Wantes reach all States: Mee thinkes* they doe as well
Sat434004.SP1.205Of each Lymme,* and wth stringes the odds tries,
Sat435004.SP1.242With Machabus* modestie, the Meritt
Sat536005.SP1.011Bee* made of the same Elementes
Sat536005.SP1.015Spring, now fall,* now shallowe, now drye, wch to
Sat536005.SP1.021Are made Prayes; O worse* then Dust, or Wormes Meate;
Sat537005.SP1.046Flowe from the first maine head, and there* can throwe
Sat538005.SP1.066All his Clothes, Copes, Bookes, Primmer,* and all
ElBrac41008.SP1.007Mourne I, that* thy sevenfold Chaine haue lost;
ElBrac42008.SP1.037Which as the Soule quickens head, foote,* and hart
ElBrac43008.SP1.050I loose my Guard, my life,* my food, my All?
ElBrac43008.SP1.073As those* should doe good workes, and should provide
[CW: Necessities]
ElBed46015.SP1.014As when from flowrie Meads, th'Hilles shaddowes* steales.
ElBed46015.SP1.018In this loues hallowed Temple, thy* soft Bedd.
ElBed46015.SP1.030How blest am I in thus* discovering Thee?
ElBed46015.SP1.031To enter into these Bonds,* is to bee free.
ElBed47015.SP1.048What needs* thou haue more couering then a Man?
ElJeal48011.SP1.009Made deafe with his poore* kindreds howling Cries,
ElJeal48011.SP1.023Must not* vsurpe his owne bedd anie more.
ElJeal48011.SP1.034Do's* Londons Mayor, or Germans the Popes pride.
[CW: Marrie.]
ElAnag49017.SP1.005Though they bee dimne yet they* are* light enough,
ElAnag49017.SP1.010Meete in One, that One must bee* as perfect, please:
ElAnag49017.SP1.026Account* her wonderfull, why not louelie too?
[CW: Loue]
ElAnag50017.SP1.050Midwifes would sweare t'was* but a Tympanie.
ElChange51016.SP1.001Althoughe thy hand, and fayth, and good workes to*
ElChange51016.SP1.019Thoughe Danubie vnto* the Sea must flowe,
ElChange51016.SP1.020The Sea receives the Rheine,* Volga, and Po.
[CW: By]
ElPerf53010.SP1.009*Thoughe hee hath oft sworne, that hee would remove
ElPerf53010.SP1.021To trye if thou dost* long, doth name strange Meates,
ElPerf54010.SP1.041A loud Perfume, wch at my* Entrance cryed
ElPerf55010.SP1.072To embalme thy fathers* Coarse; What will hee die?
ElPict56019.SP1.016Shall* like, and loue lesse, what hee did loue to see?
ElServe58012.SP1.016The curled Whirle-Poole* suck, smack, and embrace,
ElServe58012.SP1.020Scarst* visiting them who are intirelie his.
ElWar60014.SP1.003All other Warres are scupelous;* onelie Thou
ElWar61014.SP1.035Those Warres of* ignorance,* these the experien̄cd loue
ElWar61014.SP1.040There Men kill Men, wee'le* make one by and by.
ElFatal62018.SP1.009I coniure thee, and all those* oathes, which I
ElNat64013.SP1.002And in that sophistrie; oh thou did'st* prove
ElFatal64018.SP1.051With midnight* startinges, Crying out Oh, oh,
ElFatal64018.SP1.052Nurse,* My loue is slayne: I saw him goe
ElNat65013.SP1.010of Flowers, how they devise fullie* being sett
ElProg68020.SP1.048Not twixt an East, and West, but twixt two Sonnes.*
ElProg68020.SP1.054Wee anchor then,* and think our selves at home:
ElProg69020.SP1.070Where some doe shipwrack, and noe further* gett.
ElProg70020.SP1.088Byrdes, when* the Ayre resistes: Soe may that Man
Mark72149.SP1.051Soe would her Soule alreadie in Heaven, seeme* then
Mark73149.SP1.058That Weomen can not* Part of freindship bee.
BoulRec74150.SP1.018In Birds, Heavens Quiristers*, organique throates.
BoulRec75150.SP1.042Bodies of Saintes restes* for theire Soules aboue.
TWHence79117.SP1.005Perishe, doth* stand; As an Embassador
TWHence79117.SP1.HE1An odd* letter.
HWKiss80112.SP1.018A Scorpion, &or* Torpedo cure a Man?
HWKiss81112.SP1.032To these three places, yet are all* in all.
Storm84109.SP1.032Hath nowe a storme,* anon a Tempests name.
Storm84109.SP1.054Shak'd with this Ague, and the Hold, and Wast*
[CW: With]
Calm86110.SP1.005Stormes chafe, and soone weane* out themselves, or vs
Calm86110.SP1.007As steady, as I can wth* yt my thoughts weare
Calm87110.SP1.040Or to dispise* me, from the queasy paine
Calm87110.SP1.049He yt at sea praies for more winde, as will*
RWThird89113.SP1.031Wee andare but farmers* of orselves, yett may
HG 92130.SP1.007But he yt* dwells there, is not so, for he
HG 92130.SP1.023Beares not more will,* then ours, but yet more scant
HG 93130.SP1.044And fables, or fruite trencherd* teach as much
EdHerb94140.SP1.005Noer* scapes he so, but is himself their prey
BedfReas96134.SP1.002By theis we reach divinity, that* yo:u
EdHerb96140.SP1.045As braue, as true, is that profession then*
BedfRef99137.SP1.011For as darke textes needs notes: there* some must be
BedfRef100137.SP1.042And make yt will,* to thinke ye wiser fooles.|
BedfRef100137.SP1.046What eyes, hand,* bosome, her pure Alters be
BedfRef101137.SP1.054No sad, nor guiley* legends, yo:u are itt.| [f. 51]
Carey102142.SP1.005To other Saints* then yo:w directed be
Carey104142.SP1.061May therefore this be enough to certifie*
Sal105145.SP1.006Serves* but for ladies perewigs, and tires
Sal107145.SP1.053Where* our last soule, our soule imortall came.,
Sal107145.SP1.068Enabled me to proffitt, and take fourth*
[CW: om]
Sal108145.SP1.079*So though I am borne, without those eyes to live
Cor3110160.SP1.3.014Wth his kinde mother, who pertakest* thy woe.
HSBlack114163.SP1.004Treason, and durst not turne to* whom* to whence hees fled
HSScene114164.SP1.009Then was* my soule, to heaven her first seat, takes flight
[CW: And]
HSWhat118170.SP1.009No, no; but as in my adolatrie*
HSWilt120172.SP1.009And as a robd man, wch by scearch* doth finde
Cross121181.SP1.004And dare the chosen alter* to despise.
Cross121181.SP1.018To stretch myne armes and my* owne cross to be?
Cross122181.SP1.034But that away, wch hid then* there, doe take.
Cross123181.SP1.056By Suters,* wch a crosses forme present,
Lit126184.SP1.0193 O Holy Ghost, what* temple, I
Lit126184.SP1.021And being scacriligiously*
Lit129184.SP1.085Thou in thy 2mistick* 1scattred body, wouldst
Lit130184.SP1.094Tentred,* not taken by those Ravishers,
Lit130184.SP1.101Wch, as thy mother, their high Abbies,* sent
Lit134184.SP1.197In th'houre of death, theue* of last iudgm.t day
Lit135184.SP1.205Thine eare, to our sights,* teares, thoughts, gives voice & word;
Goodf137185.SP1.010This day, when my soules forme bends towards* theast;*
Goodf137185.SP1.011There should* I* see a Sonn, by rising sett
[CW: And]
Goodf138185.SP1.026*The seat of all our soules, if not of his,
Bait152027.SP1.009When thou wilt swimme* in yt liue bath
Bait152027.SP1.021Lett course hold* hands, from slymy nest
Bait153027.SP1.026Thou* thy selfe art thine owne bayte
Lect155030.SP1.012That loue hath not attaind the last* degree
ValMourn156031.SP1.006No teare flouds, nor sigh tempest* move,
ValMourn156031.SP1.009Moving of thearth* brings harmes and feares
[CW: Men]
ValMourn157031.SP1.010Men reckon whats* did* and ment, [f. 79]
ValMourn157031.SP1.029And though it in the Centure* sitt,
ValMourn157031.SP1.031It leanes and keakens* after it
Sgo159033.SP1.013Till Age, now* white haires on Thee;
WomCon160034.SP1.008Or as true death* true marriages vntye,
SunRis162036.SP1.001Busy old foole, vnruly sonne* [f. 81v]
SunRis162036.SP1.003Through windowes and Curtens* call on vs?
SunRis162036.SP1.007Goe tell courte hunsmen,* that the king will ride,
Ind164037.SP1.021Haue you all* vices spent, & now would find out others?
LovUsury164038.SP1.001Every* hower that thou wilt spare me now
LovUsury165038.SP1.014From Countrey grass, to Confiturs* of Courte,
Canon166039.SP1.011What marchants* ships haue my sighs drownd?
Canon166039.SP1.017Legitious* men wch quarrells moue,
Canon166039.SP1.021Wee are Tapers too, and at one* cost die,
LovInf169041.SP1.020And yett, it was thy giuft,* being Generall.
Ssweet171042.SP1.038Are but turnd aside to sleepe; They whom* one another keep
Leg172043.SP1.010That my self, that thou,* not I
Fever173044.SP1.005But thou* canst not die, I know,
Break175046.SP1.005Love wch in despight of darknes brought vs hither*
Break175046.SP1.013*Must buisines thee from hence remove?
Prohib176047.SP1.006*But so great ioy our life at once owtweares,
ValName180049.SP1.038When love and griefe, their consultacon* had
ValName181049.SP1.052Disputed it, and turnd* thy rage.
Twick184051.SP1.024Nor can yo:u more judge womens* thoughts by teares
ValBook186052.SP1.003How shall* I* stay, though shee Eloyne me thus
ValBook186052.SP1.010Study those* manuscripts, those Miriades
ValBook186052.SP1.016No Scismatique* will dare to wound
[CW: That]
ValBook187052.SP1.021In Ciphar writes* or new made Ideome:
ValBook187052.SP1.037Here more then in there* books may lawyers find
ValBook188052.SP1.052Whose weaknes none doth or dare* tell
LovGrow191054.SP1.026As Princes doe in tyme of accōns* gett
LovExch191055.SP1.009To satisfie* a Teare or vowe
LovExch192055.SP1.030And change thidollatry* of any land
LovExch192055.SP1.031This face, wch whensoere* it comes,
LovAlch196059.SP1.004But should I love, yett* tell, till I were old,
Flea199060.SP1.026Iust soe much honor, when thou yeldest* to me [f. 100]
Curse199061.SP1.002Who is my Mistres, whither* by this curse.
Curse199061.SP1.012Of Conscience, but of frame,* And be
Ecst201062.SP1.018We like Sepulchrall statutes* laye,
Ecst201062.SP1.022That his* soules languadge vnderstood,
Ecst203062.SP1.053We ow then* thankes because they thus
Ecst203062.SP1.066Thaffeccōns,* and to faculties,
LovDeity206064.SP1.010But when an even* flame, two harts did touch,
LovDeity206064.SP1.023As though I fell* the worst that loue could doe?
LovDiet207065.SP1.006That, wch loue worst indures,* discretion.|
Will208066.SP1.005My tongue to fame; To the Embassadors* mine ears;
Will209066.SP1.031My sicknes to phisicons,* or excess;
Fun210067.SP1.006Vice* to that, wch then to heaven being gone,
Blos211068.SP1.001Little thinkst yo:w* poore flower
Blos212068.SP1.020Here lies my busines, and here will* stay.
EpEliz219107.SP1.036Thy self a Constellation of all* them all
EpEliz219107.SP1.0434. Come fourth,* come forth, And as one glorious flame,
EpEliz220107.SP1.064And be to other* spectacle and talke?
Eclog222108.SP1.HE5Idios gives an accompt* of his purpose therein,
Eclog224108.SP1.049More of Heavens glory, then a worldling* Cann.
Eclog225108.SP1.061The arth* doth in her inward bowells hold
Eclog228108.SP1.126Since both hath* both thenflaming* eyes, & both ye louing hart.
Eclog229108.SP1.141Thou in first rasinge* shouldst allow for it.
Eclog229108.SP1.145Art* ment for Phebus, wouldst be Phaeton.
Eclog229108.SP1.146For one ease, give your* eyes, thvnvsuall* part
Eclog229108.SP1.147Of Ioy, a Teare: so squenchd* thou maist impart,
Eclog230108.SP1.152Thou shouldst* thy self; scine we wch did behold
Eclog230108.SP1.161As men wch through a Cipress tree* see
Eclog231108.SP1.170b7. Benediction.*
Eclog232108.SP1.189They tred the aire, and fall not where* they rose;
Eclog234108.SP1.232Is Common, since thereof the joy is* soe.
Har236153.SP1.036All, since the beginning* of all things is he,
Har236153.SP1.037Yett are the trunches* wch doe to vs derive
Har238153.SP1.078For lacke tyme,* his owne Epitomee:
Har239153.SP1.110Wch the whole world, or man, thabridgment* hath?
Har239153.SP1.118Only great Circles, then* can be our scale;
Har240153.SP1.139If their clocks be not wound, or wound* still
Har241153.SP1.162*All is at once suncke in the whirlepoole death.
Har241153.SP1.169For children, house, provicōn* takinge paine,
[CW: They]
Har243153.SP1.216Hath gott, by getting thee, thent* had before?
[CW: For]
Har244153.SP1.221Left saif* from present warr, and likely doubt
Har244153.SP1.222Of emminent* commotions to breake out.
Har244153.SP1.230Him, whom* tryumphd, were lawfull, it was tide
Har244153.SP1.236So though tryumphant soule, I dare not* write