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Order by    Poem   Page  
:    front matter    pp. -2 - -1
:    blank pages    pp. 1 - 14
Sat1:    "Away thou fondling motley humorist"    pp. 15 - 18
Sat2:    "Sir, though (I thank God for it) I do hate"    pp. 19 - 22
Sat3:    "Kind pity chokes my spleen"    pp. 23 - 26
Sat4:    "Well, I may now receive and die"    pp. 27 - 35
Sat5:    "Thou shalt not laugh in this leaf, Muse"    pp. 35 - 38
:    blank pages    pp. 39 - 40
ElBrac:    The Bracelet ["Not that in color it was like thy hair"]    pp. 41 - 45
ElBed:    Going to Bed ["Come, Madam, come"]    pp. 45 - 47
ElJeal:    Jealousy ["Fond woman which woulds't have thy husband die"]    pp. 47 - 48
ElAnag:    The Anagram ["Marry and love thy Flavia"]    pp. 49 - 51
ElChange:    Change ["Although thy hand and faith"]    pp. 51 - 52
ElPerf:    The Perfume ["Once and but once found in thy company"]    pp. 52 - 55
ElPict:    His Picture ["Here take my picture"]    pp. 55 - 56
Sorrow:    Elegia ["Sorrow, who to this house"]    pp. 56 - 57
ElServe:    "Oh, let not me serve so"    pp. 58 - 60
ElWar:    Love's War ["Till I have peace with thee"]    pp. 60 - 62
ElFatal:    On His Mistress ["By our first strange and fatal interview"]    pp. 62 - 64
ElNat:    "Nature's lay idiot"    pp. 64 - 66
ElProg:    Love's Progress ["Whoever loves, if he do not propose"]    pp. 66 - 70
Mark:    Elegy on the Lady Markham ["Man is the world"]    pp. 70 - 73
BoulRec:    Elegy on the Lady Boulstrode ["Death, I recant"]    pp. 73 - 76
:    blank pages    pp. 77 - 78
TWHence:    To Mr. T.W. ["At once from hence"]    p. 79
HWKiss:    To Sir Henry Wotton ["Sir, more than kisses"]    pp. 79 - 82
Storm:    The Storm ["Thou which art I"]    pp. 82 - 85
Calm:    The Calm ["Our storm is past"]    pp. 85 - 88
RWThird:    To Mr. R.W. ["Like one who in her third widowhood"]    pp. 88 - 90
HWNews:    To Sir Henry Wotton ["Here's no more news"]    pp. 90 - 91
HG :    To Sr. Henry Goodyere ["Who makes the past a pattern"]    pp. 91 - 94
EdHerb:    So Sir Edward Herbert ["Man is a lump"]    pp. 94 - 96
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