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Libro:    De Libro Cum Mutuaretur ["Doctissimo Amicissimoque v. D. D. Andrews"]    p. 266
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["I Send not my letters as tribute"]    pp. 267 - 268
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, Nature hath made all bodies like"]    pp. 269 - 271
prose:    To the La. G. ["Madame, I Am not come out of England"]    p. 271
prose:    To my honour'd friend G. G. Esquier ["Sir. Neither your letters"]    pp. 272 - 273
prose:    To my honour'd friend G. G. Esquier ["Sir, I Should not onely send"]    pp. 273 - 274
prose:    To my honour'd friend G. G. Esquier. ["Sir, This advantage you and my other friends have"]    pp. 274 - 275
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, This Tuesday morning"]    pp. 275 - 277
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, In the history or stile of friendship"]    pp. 277 - 278
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, It should bee no interruption"]    pp. 279 - 281
prose:    To the Countesse of Bedford ["Happiest and worthiest Lady, I Doe not remember"]    p. 281
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, Because I am in a place & season"]    pp. 282 - 283
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, I Hope you are now well come to London"]    pp. 283 - 285
Metem:    Metempsychosis Epistle ["Other at the Porches and entries"]    pp. 286 - 287
Metem:    Metempsychosis ["I sing the progress of a deathless soul"]    pp. 288 - 308
Cor1:    La Corona ["Deign at my hands"]     pp. 308 - 309
Cor2:    Annunciation ["Salvation to all that will is nigh"]    p. 309
Cor3:    Nativity ["Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb"]    pp. 309 - 310
Cor4:    Temple ["With his kind mother who partakes thy woe"]    p. 310
Cor5:    Crucifying ["By miracles exceeding power of man"]    pp. 310 - 311
Cor6:    Resurrection ["Moist with one drop of thy blood"]    p. 311
Cor7:    Ascension ["Salute the last and everlasting day"]    pp. 311 - 312
HSMade:    "Thou hast made me"    p. 312
HSDue:    "As due by many titles"    pp. 312 - 313
HSSighs:    "O might those sighs"    p. 313
HSBlack:    "O my black soul"    pp. 313 - 314
HSLittle:    "I am a little world"    p. 314
HSScene:    "This is my play's last scene"    pp. 314 - 315
HSRound:    "At the round earth's imagined corners"    p. 315
HSSouls:    "If faithful souls"    pp. 315 - 316
HSMinerals:    "If poisonous minerals"    p. 316
HSDeath:    "Death be not proud"    p. 316
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