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Wall:    Fall of a Wall ["Under an undermined and shot-bruised wall"]    p. 69
Beggar:    A Lame Beggar ["I am unable, yonder beggar cries"]    p. 69
SelfAc:    A Selfe Accuser ["Your mistress, that you follow whores"]    p. 69
Licent:    A Licentious Person ["Thy sins and hairs"]    p. 69
Antiq:    Antiquary ["If in his study"]    p. 69
Disinher:    Disinherited ["Thy father all from thee"]    p. 69
Phrine:    Phrine ["Thy flattering picture, Phrine"]    p. 70
Philo:    An Obscure Writer ["Philo with twelve years' study"]    p. 70
Klock:    Klockius ["Klockius so deeply hath sworn"]    p. 70
Martial:    Raderus ["Why this man gelded Martial"]    p. 70
Merc:    Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus ["Like Aesop's fellow slaves"]    p. 70
Ralph:    Ralphius ["Compassion in the world again is bred"]    p. 70
ElJeal:    Jealousy ["Fond woman which would'st have thy husband die"]    pp. 71 - 72
ElAnag:    The Anagram ["Marry and love thy Flavia"]    pp. 72 - 74
ElChang:    Change ["Although thy hand and faith"]    pp. 74 - 75
ElPerf:    The Perfume ["Once and but once found in thy company"]    pp. 76 - 78
ElPict:    His Picture ["Here take my picture"]    pp. 78 - 79
ElServe:    "Oh, let not me serve so"    pp. 79 - 80
ElNat:    "Nature's lay idiot"    pp. 81 - 82
ElComp:    The Comparison ["As the sweet sweat of roses in a still"]    pp. 82 - 84
ElAut:    The Autumnal ["No spring nor summer beauty"]    pp. 84 - 85
Image:    "Image of her whom I love"    pp. 86 - 87
BoulNar:    Elegy upon the Death of Mrs. Boulstrode ["Language thou art too narrow"]    pp. 87 - 89
ElBrac:    The Bracelet ["Not that in color it was like thy hair"]    pp. 89 - 93
noncan:    Eleg. XIII. ["Come, Fates; I fear you not"]    pp. 93 - 95
ElPart:    His Parting From Her ["Since she must go"]    pp. 95 - 96
noncan:    Eleg. XV. Julia ["Hark news, ô envy"]    pp. 96 - 97
noncan:    Eleg. XVI. A Tale of a Citizen and his Wife ["I sing no harm"]    pp. 98 - 100
ElExpost:    The Expostulation ["To make the doubt clear"]    pp. 100 - 102
EpEliz:    Epithalamion Upon … the Lady Elizabeth ["Hail, Bishop Valentine"]    pp. 103 - 107
Eclog:    Eclogue at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset ["Unseasonable man, statue of ice"]    pp. 108 - 119
EpLin:    Epithalamion Made at Lincoln's Inn ["The sunbeams in the east"]    pp. 119 - 123
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