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LovAlch:    Love's Alchemy ["Some that have deeper digged"]    pp. 229 - 230
Flea:    The Flea ["Mark but this flea"]    pp. 230 - 231
Curse:    The Curse ["Whoever guesses, thinks, or dreams"]    pp. 231 - 232
Praise:    To the praise of the dead, and the Anatomie (by Joseph Hall) ["Well dy'de the World"]    pp. 233 - 235
FirAn:    The First Anniversary. An Anatomy of the World ["When that rich soul"]    pp. 235 - 251
FunEl:    A Funeral Elegy ["'Tis lost to trust a tomb"]    pp. 252 - 255
Harb:    The Harbinger to the Progresse (by Joseph Hall) ["Two Soules move here"]    pp. 256 - 259
SecAn:    The Second Anniversary. Of the Progress of the Soul ["Nothing could make me sooner"]    pp. 260 - 277
Ecst:    The Ecstasy ["Where, like a pillow on a bed"]    pp. 277 - 280
LovDeity:    Love's Deity ["I long to talk with some old"]    pp. 280 - 281
LovDiet:    Love's Diet ["To what a cumbersome unwieldiness"]    pp. 281 - 282
Will:    The Will ["Before I sigh my last gasp"]    pp. 283 - 285
Fun:    The Funeral ["Whoever comes to shroud me"]    pp. 285 - 286
Blos:    The Blossom ["Little thinkest thou"]    pp. 286 - 287
Prim:    The Primrose ["Upon this primrose hill"]    pp. 288 - 289
Relic:    The Relic ["When my grave is broke up again"]    pp. 289 - 290
Damp:    The Damp ["When I am dead"]    pp. 290 - 291
Dissol:    The Dissolution ["She is dead"]    pp. 291 - 292
Jet:    A Jet Ring Sent ["Thou art not so black"]    pp. 292 - 293
NegLov:    Negative Love ["I never stooped so low"]    p. 293
Prohib:    The Prohibition ["Take heed of loving me"]    p. 294
Expir:    The Expiration ["So, so, break off"]    p. 295
Compu:    The Computation ["For the first twenty years"]    p. 295
BoulNar:    Elegy upon the Death of Mrs. Boulstrode ["Language thou art too narrow"]    pp. 296 - 298
BedfShe:    Elegy to the Lady Bedford ["You that are she"]    pp. 298 - 299
ElExpost:    The Expostulation ["To make the doubt clear"]    pp. 300 - 302
Para:    The Paradox ["No lover saith, I love"]    pp. 302 - 303
Christ:    A Hymn to Christ at the Author's Last Going into Germany ["In what torn ship soever"]    pp. 304 - 305
Lam:    The Lamentations of Jeremy ["How sits this city"]    pp. 306 - 324
Sat1:    "Away thou fondling motley humorist"    pp. 325 - 328
Sat2:    "Sir, though (I thank God for it) I do hate"    pp. 329 - 332
Sat3:    "Kind pity chokes my spleen"    pp. 333 - 336
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