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TWHence:    To Mr. T. W. ["At once, from hence"]    p. 96
CB:    To Mr. C. B. ["Thy friend whom thy deserts"]    p. 97
SB:    To Mr. S. B. ["O thou which to search"]    p. 98
BB:    To Mr. B.B. ["Is not thy sacred hunger"]    pp. 99 - 100
RWSlumb:    To Mr. R. W. ["If as mine is thy life a slumber be"]    pp. 100 - 101
ILRoll:    To Mr. I.L. ["Of that short roll"]    pp. 101 - 102
ILBlest:    To Mr. I.L. ["Blest are your north parts"]    p. 102
ED:    To E. of D. with Six Holy Sonnets ["See, Sir, how as the sun's"]    p. 103
HWVenice:    To Sir H. W. at his Going Ambassador to Venice ["After those reverend papers"]    pp. 104 - 105
MHPaper:    To Mrs. M. H. ["Mad paper stay"]    pp. 106 - 108
BedfHon:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Honor is so sublime"]    pp. 108 - 110
BedfDead:    To the Countess of Bedford: Begun in France ["Though I be dead and buried"]    p. 111
Carey:    A Letter to the Lady Carey and Mrs. Essex Rich ["Here where by all"]    pp. 112 - 115
Sal:    To the Countess of Salisbury ["Fair, great, and good"]    pp. 115 - 118
EpEliz:    Epithalamion upon ... the Lady Elizabeth ["Hail, Bishop Valentine"]    pp. 118 - 122
Eclog:    Eclogue at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset ["Unseasonable man, statue of ice"]    pp. 123 - 135
EpLin:    Epithalamion Made at Lincoln's Inn ["The sunbeams in the east"]    pp. 135 - 138
prose:    To the Countess of Bedford. ["Madam, I have learn'd by those lawes"]    p. 139
Har:    Obsequies to the Lord Harrington ["Fair soul, which wast not only"]    pp. 140 - 148
ElComp:    The Comparison ["As the sweet sweat of roses in a still"]    pp. 149 - 150
ElAut:    The Autumnal ["No spring nor summer beauty"]    pp. 151 - 152
Image:    "Image of her whom I love"    p. 153
Henry:    Elegy on the untimely Death of ... Prince Henry ["Look to me, Faith"]    pp. 154 - 157
noncan:    Davidson's Psalm 137 ["By Euphrates' flowry side"]    pp. 157 - 161
Res:    Resurrection Imperfect ["Sleep, sleep, old sun"]    pp. 161 - 162
Ham:    An Hymn to the Saints and to the Marquis Hamilton ["Whether that soul which now comes"]    pp. 162 - 163
prose:    To Sir Robert Carr ["Sir, I presume you rather try"]    p. 164
noncan:    An Epitaph upon Shakespeare ["Renowned Chaucer lie a thought more nigh"]    p. 165
Sappho:    Sappho to Philaenis ["Where is that holy fire"]    pp. 166 - 168
Annun:    Upon the Annunciation and Passion ["Tamely frail body"]    pp. 168 - 169
Goodf:    Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward ["Let man's soul be a sphere"]    pp. 170 - 171
Lit:    A Litany ["Father of heaven and him"]    pp. 172 - 185
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