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Sat4:    "Well, I may now receive and die"    pp. 337 - 345
Sat5:    "Thou shalt not laugh in this leaf, Muse"    pp. 346 - 349
SB:    To Mr. S. B. ["O thou which to search"]    p. 98
SecAn:    The Second Anniversary. Of the Progress of the Soul ["Nothing could make me sooner"]    pp. 260 - 277
SelfAc:    A Self Accuser ["Your mistress, that you follow whores"]    p. 41
SGo:    Song ["Go, and catch a falling star"]    pp. 196 - 197
Ship:    A Burnt Ship ["Out of a fired ship"]    p. 41
Sorrow:    Elegia ["Sorrow, who to this house"]    pp. 52 - 53
SSweet:    Song ["Sweetest love, I do not go"]    pp. 206 - 208
Storm:    The Storm ["Thou which art I"]    pp. 56 - 59
SunRis:    The Sun Rising ["Busy old fool, unruly sun"]    pp. 199 - 200
Triple:    The Triple Fool ["I am two fools, I know"]    pp. 204 - 205
TWHail:    To Mr. T. W. ["All hail sweet poet"]    pp. 93 - 94
TWHarsh:    To Mr. T. W. ["Haste thee harsh verse"]    p. 95
TWHence:    To Mr. T. W. ["At once, from hence"]    p. 96
Twick:    Twickenham Garden ["Blasted with sighs and surrounded with tears"]    pp. 218 - 219
TWPreg:    To Mr. T. W. ["Pregnant again"]    pp. 95 - 96
Under:    The Undertaking ["I have done one braver thing"]    pp. 198 - 199
ValBook:    A Valediction of the Book ["I'll tell thee now"]    pp. 219 - 221
ValMourn:    A Valediction Forbidding Mourning ["As virtuous men pass mildly away"]    pp. 193 - 194
ValName:    A Valediction of my Name in the Window ["My name engraved herein"]    pp. 214 - 217
ValWeep:    A Valediction of Weeping ["Let me pour forth"]    pp. 228 - 229
Wall:    Fall of a Wall ["Under an undermined and shot-bruised wall"]    p. 41
Will:    The Will ["Before I sigh my last gasp"]    pp. 283 - 285
Witch:    Witchcraft by a Picture ["I fix mine eye on thine"]    p. 189
WomCon:    Woman's Constancy ["Now thou has loved me one whole day"]    pp. 197 - 198
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