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Order by    Poem   Page  
noncan:    In Memory of Doctor Donne: By Mr. R. B. ["Donne dead? 'Tis here reported"]    pp. 400 - 403
noncan:    Epitaph ["Heere lies Dean Donne"]    pp. 403 - 404
noncan:    Epitaph upon Dr. DONNE, By Endy: Porter. ["This decent urne"]    pp. 405 - 406
Para:    The Paradox ["No lover saith, I love"]    pp. 302 - 303
Philo:    An Obscure Writer ["Philo with twelve years' study"]    p. 42
Phrine:    "Phrine ["Thy flattering picture, Phrine"]    p. 42
Praise:    To the praise of the dead, and the Anatomie (by Joseph Hall) ["Well dy'de the World"]    pp. 233 - 235
Prim:    The Primrose ["Upon this primrose hill"]    pp. 288 - 289
Prohib:    The Prohibition ["Take heed of loving me"]    p. 294
prose:    Metempsychosis Epistle ["Others at the Porches and entries"]    pp. -4 - -1
prose:    To the Countess of Bedford. ["Madam, I have learn'd by those lawes"]    p. 139
prose:    To Sir Robert Carr ["Sir, I presume you rather try"]    p. 164
prose:    Hen. Goodeere ["Etiam vulgari linguâ scriptæ"]    pp. 351 - 352
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["I Send not my letters as tribute"]    pp. 353 - 355
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, Nature hath made all bodies like"]    pp. 356 - 358
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, this Tuesday morning"]    pp. 359 - 361
prose:    To Sr H. G. ["Sir, In the history or style of friendship"]    pp. 362 - 363
prose:    To Sr H. G. ["Sir, It should be no interruption"]    pp. 364 - 366
prose:    To the Countess of Bedford ["Happiest and worthiest Lady, I do not remember"]    p. 367
prose:    To Sr H. G. ["Sir, Because I am in a place and season"]    pp. 368 - 369
prose:    To Sir H. G. ["Sir, I hope you are now welcome to London"]    pp. 370 - 372
Pyr:    Pyramus and Thisbe ["Two by themselves each other"]    p. 40
Ralph:    Ralphius ["Compassion in the world again is bred"]    p. 43
Relic:    The Relic ["When my grave is broke up again"]    pp. 289 - 290
Res:    Resurrection Imperfect ["Sleep, sleep, old sun"]    pp. 161 - 162
RWSlumb:    To Mr. R. W. ["If as mine is thy life a slumber be"]    pp. 100 - 101
RWThird:    To Mr. R. W. ["Like one who in her third widowhood"]    pp. 74 - 75
Sal:    To the Countess of Salisbury ["Fair, great, and good"]    pp. 115 - 118
Sappho:    Sappho to Philaenis ["Where is that holy fire"]    pp. 166 - 168
Sat1:    "Away thou fondling motley humorist"    pp. 325 - 328
Sat2:    "Sir, though (I thank God for it) I do hate"    pp. 329 - 332
Sat3:    "Kind pity chokes my spleen"    pp. 333 - 336
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