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Order by    Poem   Page  
Cor3:    Nativity ["Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb"]    p. 29
Cor4:    Temple ["With his kind mother who partakes thy woe"]    p. 30
Cor5:    Crucifying ["By miracles exceeding power of man"]    pp. 30 - 31
Cor6:    Resurrection ["Moist with one drop of thy blood"]    p. 31
Cor7:    Ascension ["Salute the last and everlasting day"]    pp. 31 - 32
Cross:    The Cross ["Since Christ embraced"]    pp. 64 - 66
Curse:    The Curse ["Whoever guesses, thinks, or dreams"]    pp. 231 - 232
Damp:    The Damp ["When I am dead"]    pp. 290 - 291
Disinher:    Disinherited ["Thy father all from thee"]    p. 42
Dissol:    The Dissolution ["She is dead"]    pp. 291 - 292
Dream:    The Dream ["Dear love, for nothing less"]    pp. 227 - 228
Eclog:    Eclogue at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset ["Unseasonable man, statue of ice"]    pp. 123 - 135
Ecst:    The Ecstasy ["Where, like a pillow on a bed"]    pp. 277 - 280
ED:    To E. of D. with Six Holy Sonnets ["See, Sir, how as the sun's"]    p. 103
EdHerb:    To Sir Edward Herbert ["Man is a lump"]    pp. 82 - 84
ElAnag:    The Anagram ["Marry and love thy Flavia"]    pp. 45 - 47
ElAut:    The Autumnal ["No spring nor summer beauty"]    pp. 151 - 152
ElChange:    Change ["Although thy hand and faith"]    pp. 47 - 48
ElComp:    The Comparison ["As the sweet sweat of roses in a still"]    pp. 149 - 150
ElExpost:    The Expostulation ["To make the doubt clear"]    pp. 300 - 302
ElJeal:    Jealousy ["Fond woman which would'st have thy husband die"]    pp. 44 - 45
ElNat:    "Nature's lay idiot"    pp. 55 - 56
ElPerf:    The Perfume ["Once and but once found in thy company"]    pp. 49 - 51
ElPict:    His Picture ["Here take my picture"]    pp. 51 - 52
ElServe:    "Oh, let not me serve so"    pp. 53 - 55
EpEliz:    Epithalamion upon ... the Lady Elizabeth ["Hail, Bishop Valentine"]    pp. 118 - 122
EpLin:    Epithalamion Made at Lincoln's Inn ["The sunbeams in the east"]    pp. 135 - 138
Expir:    The Expiration ["So, so, break off"]    p. 295
Father:    A Hymn to God the Father ["Wilt thou forgive"]    p. 350
Fever:    A Fever ["Oh do not die"]    pp. 209 - 210
FirAn:    The First Anniversary. An Anatomy of the World ["When that rich soul"]    pp. 235 - 251
Flea:    The Flea ["Mark but this flea"]    pp. 230 - 231
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