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Sat: 5a.
Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they [f. 10]
Whome any pity warmes. He wch did lay
Rules to make Courtiers (he beeing vnderstood
May make good Courtiers, but who Courtiers good)
Frees from the Stings of ieasts all, who'in extreame
Are wretched or wicked: Of these two a theame
Charity and Liberty giue me. What is hee
Who Officers rage and Suters miseree
Can wright and ieast. If all things be in all
(As I thinke, since all wch weare are and shall
Bee, be made of the same Elements
Each thing, each thing implyes or represents)
Then man is a world; in which Officers
Are ye vast rauishing Seas, and Suters
Springs, now full, now shallow, now dry; wch to
That wch drownes them run. These selfe reasons do
Proue ye World a Man; in wch Officers
Are the deuowring Stomack, and Suters
Th'Excrement w.ch they voyd. All men are dust;
How much worse are Suters who to mens Lust
Are made prayes. O worse then dust or wormes meat;
For they do'eat you now, whose selues wormes shall eat.
They are the Mills wch grind you, yet you are
The wind wch driues them; And a wastfull warr
Is fought against you, and you fight it. They
Adulterate Law, and you prepare ther way
Like Wittalls; The'issue your owne ruine is.
Greatest, and fayrest Empresse, know you this?
Alas, no more then Thames calme head doth know
Whose Meades her armes drowne, or whose corne oreflow.
You, Sr, whose righteousnesse she Loues, whom I
By hauing leaue to serue ame most richly
For seruice payd, authorizd now, begin
To know and weede out this enormous sin.
O age of rusty Iron, some better witt
Call it some worse name, yf ought equall itt.