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Sat: .3.a
Kind pity choakes my spleene; braue scorne for\bids [f. 5]
These teares to issue wch swell my eylids.
I must nor Laugh, nor weepe sin, and be wise,
May rayling then cure these worne maladyes.
Is not or Mistres fayre Religion
As worthy of all or Soules deuotion
As vertu was to the first blind Age?
Are not heauens ioyes as valiant tot'assuage
Lusts, as Earths honors was to them? Alas
As we do them in meanes, shall they surpas
Vs in the end? And shall thy fathers Spiritt
Meete blind Philosophers in heauen, whose meritt
Of strict Life maybe'imputed fayth, and heare
Thee whome he tought wayes easy and neare
To follow, damn'd? Oh if thou darest, feare this
This feare great courage, and high valor is.
Darest thou ayd mutinous Dutch? darest thou lay
Thee in Shipps woodden Sepulchers, a pray
To Leaders rage, to Stormes, to shott, to dearthe,
Darest thou dive Seas, and dungeons of ye Earthe?
Hast thou couragious fyer to thaw ye yce
Of frozen north discoueryes, and thrice
Colder then Salamanders; Like diuine
Chilldren in th'ouen, fires of Spayne and ye Line,
Whose Cuntryes Limbecks to or bodyes bee
Canst thou for gayne beare? and must euery hee
Wch cryes not Goddesse to thy Mistres, draw,
Or eate thy poysonous words? courage of straw;
O desperate Coward, wilt thou seeme bold, and
To thye foes, and his who made thee, to stand
Soldier in his worlds garrison, thus yeild
And for forbid warrs, leaue th'appointed field.
Know thy foes: the foule Deuill, whom thou
Striu'st to please, for hate not loue would allow
Thee fayne his whole Realme to be ridd: and as
The worlds all parts wither away and pas,
So the worlds selfe thy other loud foe is
In her decrepit wayne; and thou louing this