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Now by this Act of these two Phænixes [321]
Nature agayne restored is
ffor since these two are two no more
Theres but one Phænix still as was before
Rest now at last, and wee
As Satyres watch the Sunns vp-rise, will stay
Wayting when yor eyes opened let out day
Onely desird because yor face wee see
Others, neere you, shall whispring speake
And wagers lay at w.ch side day will breake
And win by obseruing then whose hand it is
That opens first a Curtayne, Hers, or His
This will bee try'd to morrow after Nyne
Till w.ch hower wee thy day enlarge ô Valentine
Epithalamion on a Citizen. [162]
The Sunne beames in the East ar spredd
Leaue, leaue, fayre Bride, yor solitary bedd
No more shall you returne to it alone
It nurseth Sadnesse, and yor Bodyes print,
Like to a Graue, the yeelding Downe doth dint.
you, and yor other you, meete there anon
Put forth put forth that warme balme-breathing thigh
Wich, when next time you in those sheetes will smother,
There it must meet another
W.ch never was but oft must bee more nigh
Come gladd from thence, goe gladder then you came
To night* put on Perfection and a womans name

[CW: 2 Daughters___]