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Take heede of Louing mee. [295]
At least remember I forbidd it thee
Not that I shall repayre my vnthrifty wast
of breath and bloud vpon thy sighs and teares
By beeing to thee then what to mee thou wast
But so greate Ioy our life at once outweares
Then least thy Loue by my death frustrate bee
If thou loue mee Take heed of louing mee
Take heed of hating mee
or too much triumph in the victory
Not that I shall bee mine owne officer
And hate with hate agayne retalliate
But thou wilt loose the stile of conqueror
If I, thy Conquest perish by thy hate
Then least my beeing nothing lessen thee
If thou hate, Take heed of hating mee
Yet Loue and hate mee too
So these extreames shall neyther Office doe
Loue mee that I may dye the gentler way
Hate mee, because my loues too greate for mee
Or let these two themselues not mee decay
So shall I liue, thy stage, not triumph bee.
Then least thy loue, hate, and mee thou vndoe,
O let mee liue; yet loue and hate mee too

[CW: Goe and]