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A Nocturnall vpon S.t Lucyes day
beeing the shortest day.
Tis the yeares Midnight, and it is the dayes [288]
Lucies; who scarse seven howers her selfe vnmaskes
The Sunne is spent, and now, his flasks
Send forth light squibbs, not constant rayes,
The worlds whole sapp is sunke
The generall Balme th' Hydroptique earth hath drunke
Whither, as to the bedds feete, life is shrunk
Dead and interrd, yet all these seeme to laugh
Compard with mee. who am theyr Epitaph.
Study mee, then, you who shall louers bee
At the next world, that is, at the next Spring
For I am a very dead thing
In whome loue wrought new Alchimy
For his hart* did expresse
A Quintessence even from Nothingnesse
From dull priuations and leane emptinesse
Hee ruind mee, and I am re-begott
Of Absence, darknesse, death, things wch are not
All others from all things draw all that's good
Life, soule, forme, spirit, whence they beeing haue
I by Loues Lymbeck am the Graue
Of all, that's Nothing. Oft a floud
Haue wee two wept, and so

[CW: Drownd___]