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The Will
Before I sigh my last gaspe; Let mee breath [267]
(Greate Loue) some Legacyes. Heere I bequeath
Mine eyes to Argus, if mine eyes can see,
If they bee blind, then, Loue I giue them thee
My tongue to Fame t'Embassado.rs mine eares
To woemen, or the Sea my teares.
Thou loue hast taught mee heeretofore
By making mee serue her who had twenty more
Onely to giue to those w.ch had to much before
My Constancy I to the Planets giue
My Truth to them who at the Court doe liue
Mine Ingenuity and opennesse
To Iesuits, to Buffons my pensiuenesse
My Silence to Any who abroad hath bin
My Monny to a Capuchin
Thou loue taughtst mee by making mee
To loue there where no Loue receaud can bee
Onely to giue to those w.ch haue an Incapacity
My fayth I giue to Romane Catholiques
All my good Workes vnto the Schismatiques
Of Amsterdam, My best Ciuility
And Courtshipp to an Vniuersity
My Modesty I giue to souldiers bare
My patience let Gamsters share
Thou loue taughtst mee by making mee
Loue her that holds my Loue disparity
Onely to giue to those that count my gifts Indignity

[CW: I give__]