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Goe from a body,'at this sepulcher been,
And, issuing from the sheet, this body seen,
He would have justly thought this body a soule,
If, not of any man, yet of the whole.
Desunt cætera.
An hymne to the Saints, and to Marquesse Hamylton.
Whither that soule which now comes up to you
Fill any former ranke or make a new,
Whither it take a name nam'd there before,
Or be a name it selfe, and order more
Then was in heaven till now; (for may not hee
Bee so? if every severall Angell bee
A kind alone;) What ever order grow
Greater by him in heaven, wee doe not so;
One of your orders growes by his accesse;
But, by his losse grow all our orders lesse;
The name of Father, Master, Friend, the name
Of Subject and of Prince, in one are lame;
Faire mirth is dampt, and conversation black,
The household widdow'd, and the garter slack;
The Chappell wants an eare, Councell a tongue;
Story, a theame; and Musicke lacks a song;
Blest order that hath him, the losse of him
Gangred all Orders here; all lost a limbe.
Never made body such hast to confesse
What a soule was; All former comelinesse

[CW: Fled,]