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Marke if slight things bee obiected, and oreblowne [240]
Marke if her oaths agaynst him bee not still
Reseru'd, and that shee greeues shees not her owne
And chides the Doctrine that denyes free will
I bidd thee not doe this to bee my spye
Nor to make my selfe her familier
But so much doe I loue her choyce, that I
Would fayne loue him that shall be lou'd of her
To E. of D. wth. 6 Holy Sonnets
See S.r how as the Sunns hot masculine flame
Begets strange creatures on Niles durty slime
In mee yor fatherly yet lusty rime
(ffor these songs are theyr fruits) haue wrought the same.
But though th'ingendring force from whence they came
Bee strong enough, and nature doe admit
Seven to bee borne at once, I send as yet
But six, They say the seventh hath still some maime.
I choose yor Iudgemt, wch the same degree
Doth with her Sister, yor Invention, hold
As fire these drossy rimes to purify
Or as Elixar to change them to gold.
You are that Alchimist wch always had
Witt, whose one sparke could make good things of badd
To the Countesse of Bedford
Begun in ffrance but never p̄fected
Though I bee dead and buryed: yet I haue
(Liuing in you) Court enough in my graue
As oft as there I thinke my selfe to bee
So many resurrections waken mee

[CW: That]