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Stagg Dogg, and each wch from or towards [238]
Is payd with life, or pray, or doing dyes
ffate grudges vs all, and doth subtilly lay
A Scourge 'gaynst w.ch wee had forgot to pray.
Hee that at sea prayes for more wind, as well
Vnder the Pole may begg cold, heate in hell.
What are wee then,? how little more |alas|
Is man now then, before hee was, hee was?
Nothing for vs wee are for nothing fitt
Chance or our selues still disproportion it
Wee haue no will nor power, nor sence, I lye
I should not then thus feele this misery.
To M.rs M. H.
Madd paper stay and grudge not heere to burne
With all those Sonns w.ch my braine did create
At least lye hidd with mee till thou returne
To raggs agayne, wch was thy natiue state
What though thou haue enough vnworthynesse
To come vnto greate place as others doe?
That's much, emboldens, pulls, thrusts, I confesse
But that's not all, thou shouldst bee wicked too
And that thou canst not learne, or not of mee.
Yet thou wilt goe. Goe since thou go'st to her
Who lacks but faults to bee a Prince, for shee
Truth, whome they dare to* pardon, dares peferre
But when thou comst to that perplexing eye
W.ch æqually claymes Loue, and reverence
Thou wilt not long dispute it, thou wilt dye
And, hauing |little| now,* haue then |no| sence.

[CW: Yet__]