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And if I flatter any, tis not you [229]
But mine owne Iudgement, who did long agoe
Pronounce that all these prayses should bee true
And Vertue should yor Beauty and Birth outgrow
Now that my Prophesyes are all fulfilld
Rather then God should not bee honord too
And all those gifts confessd w.ch hee instilld
Yor selfe were bound to say that w.ch I doe
So I but yor Recorder am in this
Or mouth and spender of the vniuerse
A ministeriall notary. ffor tis
Not u and fame that make this vese
I was yor Prophet in yor younger dayes
And now yor Chaplayne God in you to prayse
P. Sappho to Philænis
Where is that holy fire w.ch verse is sayd
To haue? Is that enchanting force decayd?
Verse, that drawes natures worke from natures Law
Thee, her best worke, to her worke cannot draw
Haue my Teares quenchd my old Poetique fire
Why quenchd they not as well that of desire?
Thoughts, my minds Creatures often ar with thee
But I theyr Maker want |theyr|* liberty
Onely thine Image in my heart doth sitt
But that is waxe, and fire envyrons it

[CW: My___]