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To the Countesse of B.
T'haue written then when you wrote, seemd to mee [222]
Worst of spirituall Vices symony
And not t'haue written then is little lesse
Then worst of ciuill Vices, Thanklesnesse.
In this my debt I seemd loth to confesse
In that I seemd to shunn Beholdingnesse.
But tis not so. Nothings, as I am, may
Pay all they haue, and yet haue all to pay,
Such borrow in theyr payments, and owe more
By hauing leaue to write so, then before.
Yet since rich mines in barren grounds are showne
May not I yeeld (not Gold) but cole or stone?
Temples were not demolishd though profane
Heere Peter Ioues, there Paule hath Dians fane:
So whether my Hymnes you admitt or choose
In mee you haue hallowed a pagan Muse
And denized a stranger, who, (mis-taught
By Blamers of the times they marr'd,) hath sought
Vertues in Corners, w.ch now brauely doe
Shine in the worlds best parts, or All it, you.
I haue bin told that Vertue in Courtiers harts
Suffers an ostracisme and departs
Profit, ease, fitnesse, plenty bidd it goe
But whither, onely knowing you, knowe
your, (or you,) Vertue two vast vses serues
It ransoms one Sexe, and one Court preserues.
There's nothing but yor worth, w.ch (beeing true)
Is knowne to any other not to you,
And you can never knowe it, to admitt
No knowledge of yor worth is some of it.
but since to you |yor| prayses Discords bee
Stoope others ills to meditate with mee.

[CW: Oh to ____]