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A l̄re to Rowland Woodward
Like one who in her third widdowhood doth professe [199]
Her Selfe a Nun ty'd to retyrednesse
So affects my Muse now a chast holynesse.*
Since shee to few yet to too many hath flowne*
How long loves weedes and Satirique* thornes ar growne
Where seedes of better Arts were early sowne?
Though to vse and loue Poetry, to mee
Betrothd to no one Art bee no Adultery
Omissions of good, as, ill, as ill deedes, bee
ffor though to vs it seeme but light and thinne
Yet in those faythfull scales where god throwes in
Mens workes, Vanity weighs as much as Sinne.
If our soules haue staynd theyr first whites, yet wee
May clothe them with fayth and deare Integrity*
Which God imputes as naked* purity.
There is not Vertue but Religion.
Wise, valiant, sober, iust, ar names w.ch none
Want, wch want not vice-couering discretion.
Seeke wee then our selues in our Selues, for as
Men force the Sunne with much more force to passe
By gathering his beames with a Christall glasse
So wee, (if wee into our Selues will turne)
Blowing our sparkes of Vertue) may outburne
The straw w.ch doth about our harts soiourne

[CW: you know__]