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A Hymne to the Saynts and
To the Marquesse Hamilton
Whether the soule that now comes vp to you [182]
ffill any former ranke, or make a new
Whether it take a name namd there before
Or bee a name it selfe, and Order more
Then was in Heauen till now (for may not hee
Bee so if every severall Angel bee
A kind alone) What ever Order growe
Greater by him in Heauen, wee do not so.
One of your Orders growes by his Accesse
But by his losse growe all our Orders lesse.
The name of 2Master 1ffather, frind, the name
Of Subiect and of prince in one is lame
ffayre Mirth is dampd, and conversation black
The Houshold widdowd, and the Garter slack
The Chappell wants an Eare, Counsell a tongue
Story a theame, and Musick wants a song.
Blest Order that hath him, the losse of him
Gangreend all Orders heere, all loose a Lymb.
never made Body such hast to confesse
What a Soule was. All former comelynesse
ffledd in a minute when the Soule was gon
And hauing lost that beauty would haue none
So fell our monasteryes in an instant growne
Not to lesse houses, but to heapes of stone;
So sent his body that fayre forme it wore
Vnto the Spheare of formes, and doth (before
His body fill vp his Sepulchrall stone)
Anticipate a Resurrection.
ffor as, in his fame, now, his soule is heere
So in the forme thereof his bodye's there.
And if (fayre Soule) not with first Innocents
Thy Station bee, but with the Penitents

[CW: (And__]