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Epicides and Obsequyes
Upon the Deaths of Seuerall personages
To the Countesse of Bedford [161]
That I might make yo
r Cabinet my Tombe
And for my fame wch. I loue next my soule
Next to my soule prouide the happyest roome
Admitt to that place this last funerall scroule
Others by, testaments* giue Legacyes, but I
Dying, of you doe begg a Legacy.
My fortune and my will this custome breake
When wee are sencelesse growne to make stones speake
Though no stone tell thee what I was, yet thou
In my graues Inside see what thou art now
Yet th'art not yet so good; till vs death lay
To ripe and mellow there, w'are stubborne clay
Parents make vs earth, and soules dignify
Vs to bee glasse, heere to grow gold wee lie
Whilst in our soules sinne bredd and pamperd is
Our soules become worme-eaten carcases,
So wee our selues miraculously destroy
Heere bodyes, with lesse miracle, enioy
Such priuiledge enabled heere to scale
Heauen, when the Trumpets Ayre shall them exhale
Heare this, and mend thy selfe, and thou mendst mee
By making mee, beeing dead doe good to thee
And thinke mee well composd that I could now
A last sick howre to sillables allow.

[CW: Man___]