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And though in Childbeds* labour shee did lye [131]
Midwiues would sweare t'were but a Tympany.
Whome, if shee accuse her selfe I credit lesse
Then witches w.ch Impossibles confesse.
Whome Dildos, bedstaues, or a Veluet glasse
Would bee as lothe to touch as Ioseph was
One like none and likd of none fittest were
ffor things in fashion every man will weare.|
Elegie .12. On the Lady Herbert
afterwards Danuers.
No Spring nor Sum̄ers beauty hath such grace
As I haue seene in an Autumnall face.
Young beautyes force yor Love, and that's a rape
This doth but counsell, yet you cannot scape
If t'were a shame to loue, heere t'were no shame.
Affections heere take reverences name
Were her first yeares the golden Age, that's true
But now shee's Gold oft tryd, and ever new.
That was her torrid and enflaming time
This is her habitable Tropique clyme.
ffayre Eyes, who askes more heate then comes from hence
Hee in a feauer wishes pestilence.
Call not these wrinkles graues, if graues, they were
They were loues graues, or else hee is no where.

[CW: Yet___]