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O giue him many thankes, hee's Courteous [118]
That, in suspecting, kindly warneth vs,
Wee must not, as wee vs'd, floute openly
In scoffing riddles his deformity,
Nor at his board together beeing sate
With words, or touch, scarse lookes, adulterate.
Nor, when hee, swolne and pamperd with high fare,
Sitts downe and snorts, cag'd in his basket chayre,
Must wee vsurpe his owne bedd any more,
Nor kisse and play in his house as before:
Now I see many dangers, for that is
His Realme, his Castle, and his Diocesse.
But if (as envious men that would revile
Theyr prince, or coyne his gold, them selues exile
Into another country, and doe it there)
Wee into some third place retyred were
There will wee scorne his houshold pollicyes
His silly plotts, and pentionary spyes
As the Inhabitants of Thames right side
Do Londons Mayor, or Germans the Popes, Pride.
Oh let mee not serue so as those men serue
Whome hono.rs smokes at once fatten* and sterue

[CW: Poorely]