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As the sweete sweate of Roses in a still [113]
As that w.ch from chaf'd muscats pores doth trill
As the almighty balme of th'early East
Such ar the sweete drops of my Mistris brest
And on her neck her skin such lustre setts
They seeme no sweate drops but pearle Coronets
Ranke sweaty froth thy Mistris browe defiles
Like Spermatique issue of ripe menstruous biles
Or like the Scum̀„ which, by needes law lesse Lawe
Enforc'd, Sancerras sterued men did draw
From parboyld shoes and bootes, and all the rest
W.ch were with any soueraigne fatnesse blest.
And like vile lying Stones in saffrond tinn
Or warts, or wheales, they* hangs vpon her skinn.
Round as the world's her head on every side
Like to that fatall ball w.ch fell on Ide
Or that whereof God had such Iealousy
As for the rauishing thereof wee dye.
Thy head is like a rough hewne statue of Iet
Where markes for eyes, nose, mouth ar scarsely sett.
Like the first Chaos or flat seeming face
Of Cinthia when earths shadowes her embrace
Like Proserpines white beawty keeping chest
Or Ioues best fortunes vrne is her fayre brest
Thine like worme eaten trunks clothd in seales skin
Or graue that's durt without and stench within
And like that slender stalke, at whose end stands
The woodbine quiuering, ar her Armes and hands

[CW: Like]