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I shooke like a spyd spye. Preachers w.ch are
Greate seas of witt and Art, you can, then dare
To drowne the Sinns of this place, for, for mee,
Who am a scant brooke, it enough shall bee
To wash theyr staynes away. although I, yet,
(With Machabes modesty) the Knowne merit
Of my worke lessen, yet some wiseman shall
(I hope) esteeme my writt Canonicall.
Satyre .5.|
Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they
Whome any pitty warmes. Hee w.ch did lay
Rules to make Courtiers (hee, beeing vnderstood
May make Good Courtiers, but who Cortiers good?)
Frees from the sting of Iests all who in extreme
Ar wretched or wicked. Of these two a theame
Charity and Liberty giue mee. What is hee
Who officers rage, and suitors misery
Can write and iest? If all things bee in all
(As, I thinke, since all w.ch were are, and shall
Bee, bee made of the same Elements
Each thing each thing implyes or represents)
Then man is a world in w.ch Officers
Ar the vast rauenous seas, and Sutors
Springs, now full, now shallow, now dry, wch to
That w.ch drownes them runn. These selfe reasons doe

[CW: Proue]