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As with the Jewes guide God did; he did show
Him the rich land, but bar'd his entry in,
Our slownes is our punishment and sinne;
Perchance, these Spanish businesse being done,
Which as the Earth betweene the Moone and Sun
Eclipse the light which Guyana would give,
Our discontinued hopes we shall retrive:
But if (as All th'All must) hopes smoake away,
Is not Almightie Vertue'an India?
If men be worlds, there is in every one
Some thing to answere in some proportion
All the worlds riches: And in good men, this
Vertue, our formes forme and our soules soule is.
To M. I. L.
Of that short Roll of friends writ in my heart
Which with thy name begins, since their depart,
Whether in the English Provinces they be,
Or drinke of Po, Sequan, or Danubie,
There's none that sometimes greets us not, and yet
Your Trent is Lethe', that past, us you forget,
You doe not duties of Societies,
If from the'embrace of a lov'd wife you rise,
View your fat Beasts, stretch'd Barnes, and labour'd fields,
Eate, play, ryde, take all joyes which all day yeelds,

[CW: And]