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(Our Souls best baiting and mid-period,
In her long journey, of considering God)
Yet (no dishonour) I can reach him thus,
As he embrac'd the fires of love, with us.
Oh may I, (since I live) but see or hear,
That she-Intelligence which mov'd this sphear,
I pardon Fate, my life: who ere thou be,
Which hast the noble conscience, thou art she,
I conjure thee by all the charms he spoke,
By th' oaths, which only you two never broke,
By all the souls ye sigh'd, that if you see
These lines, you wish, I knew your history.
So much, as you, two mutual heav'ns were here,
I were an Angel singing what you were.
[Transcriptions are not provided for noncanonical poems,
elegies on Donne by other authors, or prose compositions]