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The second Anniversary.
Nothing could make me sooner to confess
That this world had an everlastingness,
Then to consider that a year is run,
Since both this lower worlds, and the Suns Sun,
The lustre and the vigour of this all
Did set; 'twere blasphemy to say, did fall.
But as a ship which hath strook sail doth run
By force of that force which before it won:
Or as sometimes in a beheaded man,
Though at those two Red seas, which freely ran,
One from the Trunk, another from the Head,
His soul be sail'd, to her eternal bed,
His eyes will twinkle, and his tongue will roul,
As though he beckned and call'd back his soul,
He grasps his hands, and he pulls up his feet,
And seems to reach, and to step forth to meet
His soul; when all these motions which we saw,
Are but as Ice, which crackles at a thaw:
Or as a Lute, which in moist weather, rings
Her knel alone, by cracking of her strings.
So struggles this dead world, now she is gone:
For there is motion in corruption.

[CW: As]