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Declare your self base fortunes Enemy,
No less be your contempt then her inconstancy:
That I may grow enamoured on your mind,
When my own thoughts I here neglected find.
And this to th'comfort of my Dear I vow,
My Deeds shall still be what my deeds are now;
The Poles shall move to teach me ere I start;
And when I change my Love, I'll change my heart;
Nay, if I wax but cold in my desire,
Think, heaven hath motion lost, and the world, fire:
Much more I could, but many words have made
That, oft suspected which men most perswade;
Take therefore all in this: I love so true,
As I will never look for less in you.
[Transcriptions are not provided for noncanonical poems,
elegies on Donne by other authors, or prose compositions]