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The world by dying, because loue dies too. [f. 105v]
Then all your beauties wilbe no more worth,
Then gold in mynes, where none doth draw it forth.
And all your graces, noe more vse shall haue
Then a Sundiall in a grave
Thou loue taughtst me, by making me
Love her, who doth neglect both me and thee,
To invent, and practise this one way, to Annihilate all three.
The Funerall.|
Who ever comes to shroud me, doe not harme
Nor question much
That subtile wreath of haire, wch crownes myne arme,
The mistery, the signe, yow must not touch,
For tis my outward soule
Vice* to that, wch then to heaven being gone,
Will leaue this to controule
And keepe theis limnes, her provinces from disolac̀„on.|
For if the sinewye thred my braine letts fall,
Through every parte,
Can tie those partes, and make me one of all,
Theis haires wch vpward grew, and strenght and art
Haue from a better braine,

[CW: Can]