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Oh tis imposture all. [f. 99]
And as noe Chimique, yett, thElixar gott
But glorifies his pregnant pott,
If by the way to him befall
Some odorifirous thinge or medcinall.
So lovers dreame a rich and longe delight
But gett a winter-seeming sommers night.
Our ease our thrift, our honour and our day
Shall we for this vaine bubbles shaddow pay?
Ends love in this; that my man
Can be as happy as I can: if he can
Endure the short scorne of a bridegroomes play?
That loving wretch that sweares
Tis not the bodies marry, but the mindes,
Wch he in her Angelike findes,
Would sweare as justly that he heares
In that daies rude hoarse Minstrallsey the spheares.
Hope not for minde in woman; At their best
Sweetnes, and witt, they are but mummie possest.
The Flea
Marke but this flea, and marke in this
How little, that wch thou deniest me, is,
It suckt me first, and now sucks thee,

[CW: And]