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Stars by the sunne, are not ēlargd but showen, [f. 96]
Gentle love deeds, as blossomes on a bough
From loves awakened root, doe bud out now;
If as in water stirrd, more Circles be,
Producd by one, love such additions take,
Those, like to many spheares, but one heaven make,
For they are all Concentrique vnto thee;
And though each spring doe add to loue new heate,
As Princes doe in tyme of accōns* gett
New Taxes, and remitt them not in peace,
No winter shall abate the springs encrease.|
Love, any devill else but yow,
Would for a given soule give something too.
At Court your fellowes every day
Give thart of Rhiming, huntsmanship and play,
For them, who weare their owne before,
Only I haue nothing, wch gave more,
But am alas, by being lowly, lower.|
I aske not dispensacōn now
To satisfie* a Teare or vowe
I doe not sue from thee to draw
A non obstante on natures law,
Theis are prerogatives; They inhere,

[CW: In]