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And soe more stedily to haue gone, [f. 88]
Wth Wars wch would sinck admiracōn
I sawe, I had loves pinnace overfraught.
Euery thy haire, for love to work vpon,
Is much to much, some fitter must be sought
For nor in nothing, nor in thinges
Extreme, and scattering bright can loue inhere
Then as an Angell, face and winges
Of aire, not pure as itt, yett pure doth weare
So thy love, may be my loves spheare.
Iust such disparitee
As is twixt aire, and angells puritie
Twixt womens love, and mens will ever be.|
Tis true, tis day, what though it be?
O Wilt thou rise from me?
Why should we rise because tis light?
Did we lye downe because, twas night?
Love wch in despight of darknes brought vs hither*
Should in despight of light keepe vs togeather.|
*Must buisines thee from hence remove?
Oh yts the worst disease of loue;
The poore, the foule, the false, loue can

[CW: Admitt]