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Cannott add another houre, nor a lost hower recall; [f. 86]
But come bad chance
And we ioine to it or strength, & we teach it art & length
It selfe or vs to advance.|
When thou sighst, thou sighst not winde, but sighst my soule away
When thou weepst vnkindly kinde,my lifes blood doth decay
It Cannot be
That thou loust me, as thou sayest, if in thine my life thou wast,
Thou art the best of me.|
Let not thy devyning hart forethinke me any ill
Desteny may take thy part,and may thy feares fulfill;
But thinke yt wee
Are but turnd aside to sleepe; They whom* one another keep
Alive, nere parted be.|
When I died last, And deere I dye
As often, as from thee, I goe,
Though it be an hower agoe,
For louers howers be full eternity;
I can remember yett that I
Something did say, and something did bestow,
Though I be dead, wch sent me, I should be

[CW: Myne]