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Send home my longe strayd eyes to me [f. 76]
Wch oh, too longe haue dwelt on thee,
Yett since there they haue learnd such ill,
Such forced fashions
And false passions
That they be
Made by thee
Fitt for noe good sight, keepe them still.|
Send home my harmeless hart againe
Wch noe vnworthy thought could staine;
Wch if it be taught by thine
To make Iestinges
Of protestings
And cross both
Word and oath
Keepe it, for then tis none of myne.|
Yett send me back my hart and eyes
That I may know and see thy lies
And may laugh when that thou
Art in anguish
And dost languish
For some one
That will none
Or prove as false, as thou art now.|

[CW: Come|]