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Shall (though shee now be in extreame degree [f. 56v]
Too stonie hard, and yett too fleshly) be
Freed by yt dropp, from being starvd, hard, or foule
And life by this death abled, shall controule
Death, whom thy death slue; nor shall to me
Feare of first, or last death, bring miserie
If in thy little booke, my name thou enroule
Flesh in yt sleepe is not putrified
But made that there, of wch, and for wch twas.
Nor Can by other meanes be glorified,
May then sinns sleepe, and death soone from me pass
That waked from both, I againe risen may
Salute the last, and everlasting day.
Salute the last and everlasting daie
Ioy at the vprising of this Sunn, & sinn
Yea whose iust teares, or tribulation
Have purely washt, or burnt yor drossy clay
Behold the highest parting hence away,
Lightens the darke cloudes, wch he treads vpon
Nor doth he by assending, show alone,
But first he, and he first enters the way
Oh strong Ramm wch hast batterd heaven for me
Milde lambe wch wth thy blood, hast markd ye path

[CW: Bright]