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Yett this is not yo:r phisick, but your food [f. 49v]
A diett fitt for yo:u; for yo:u are here
The first good Angell, since ye worldes frame stood
That ever did in womans shape appeare.|
Since yo:u are then Gods masterpeece, and so
His factor for our loves; Doe as yo:u doe
Make yo:r retorne home gracious; & bestow.
This lief on that; so make one life of two.|
For so God helpe me, I would not miss yo:u there
For all the good, wch yo:u can doe me here.|
To ye Countesse of Bedforde
Yo:u haue refinde me; And to worthiest things
Vertue, Art, Bewty, fortune, now I see,
Rarenes, or vse, not nature value brings
And such as they are circumstancd, they be
Two ills can nere perplexe vs, sinn to excuse
But of two good things, we may leaue & chuse.|
Therefore at Court, wch is not vertues clyme
Where a transcendent height, (as lownes me)

[CW: om]