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Maie the next thing, thou stoop'st to reach contayne [f. 23]
Poison, whose nimble fume rotte thy moist brayne.
Or libelles, or some interdicted thing
Wch negligentlie kept, thy ruine bring.
Lust-bredd Disseases rotte thee, and dwell wth thee,
Itchie desire, and noe abilitie.
Maie all the hurt, wch euer Gold hath wrought
All mischeifes, wch all Deuilles euer thought;
Want after Plentie, poore and gowtie Age
The plagues of Trauailers, Loue, and Mariage
Afflict Thee, and at thy lifes latest moment
Maie thy swolne Sinnes themselves to thee present.
But I forgive: Repent then honest Man
Gold is restoratiue, Restore it then
Or if with it thou bee'st, loath to depart
Because tis cordiall would t'were at thy hart.|
Elegie 2d.|
Come Madam, come, all rest my Powres defie;
Vntill I labour, I in labour lie.
The foe oft times, hauing the foe in sight
Is tyr'd wth standing thoughe they neuer fight.
Of with that Girdle, like heauens Zone glistering,
But a farre fairer world encompassing.
Vnpinn that Spangled Breast-plate, wch yow weare,

[CW: That]