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Which fits them (Schooles and Courts and warres o'rpast)
To touch and test in any best degree.
For me, (if there be such a thing as I)
Fortune (if there be such a thing as she)
Spies that I beare so well her tyranny,
That she thinkes nothing else so fit for mee.
But though shee part us: to heare my oft prayers
For your increase, God is as ne'r me here;
And to send you what I shall begge, his staires
In length and ease are alike every where.
To M. M. H.
Mad paper stay, and grudge not here to burne
With all those sonnes whom thy braine did create,
At least lie hid with me, till thou returne
To rags againe, which is thy native state.
What though thou have enough unworthinesse
To come unto great place as others doe,
That's much, emboldens, puls, thrusts I confesse,
But 'tis not all, thou shouldst be wicked too.
And, that thou canst not learne, or not of me.
Yet thou wilt goe, Goe, since thou goest to her
Who lacks but faults to be a Prince, for she,
Truth, whom they dare not pardon, dares preferre.

[CW: But]