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If from th'embrace of a lov'd wife you rise,
View your fat Beasts, stretch'd Barnes, and labour'd fields,
Eate, play, ride, take all joyes which all day yeelds,
And then againe to your imbracements goe:
Some houres on us your friends, and some bestow
Vpon your Muse, else both we shall repent,
I that my love, she that her guifts on you are spent.
To M. I. P.
Blest are your North parts, for all this long time
My Sun is with you, cold and darke'is our Clime;
Heavens Sun, which staid so long from us this yeare,
Staid in your North (I thinke) for she was there,
And hither by kinde nature drawne from thence,
Here rages chafes and threatens pestilence;
Yet I, as long as she from hence doth stay,
Thinke this no South, no Sommer, nor no day.
With thee my kinde and unkinde heart is runne,
There sacrifice it to that beauteous Sunne:
So may thy pastures with their flowery feasts,
As suddenly as Lard, fat thy leane beasts;
So may thy woods oft poll'd, yet ever weare
A greene, and (when she list) a golden haire;
So may all thy sheepe bring forth Twins; and so
In chace and race may thy horse all out-goe;
So may thy love and courage ne'r be cold;
Thy Sonn ne'r Ward; Thy lov'd wife ne'r seem old;
But maist thou wish great things, and them attaine,
As thou tell'st her, and none but her my paine.

[CW: To]